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The New Radiator
St.Domingoweg 8

Telefoon: 8686555 / 7367071

Website: www.thenewradiator.com/

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The New Radiator is a family-owned business, specialized in automotive cooling services and is existent for two generations already. It started under the name of Antillean Radiator Factory, founded by Peter Lauffer in the year 1989. As the years went by, the company, directed by David Lauffer, became one of the most prominent firms known for producing and selling their own radiators.

In 2004, after 26 years of serving Curaçao with the finest quality in radiators, automotive cooling and repair, David took a step back as the CEO. At that time, the son of the founder, Joel Lauffer, took the helm of the company and changed its name to the New Radiator & Car Cooling. The company soon experienced strong growth, which led to the opening of a second branch in Bonaire in 2010, led by Peter the founder. Shortly hereafter (2012) the New Radiator opened also their third brand, which is the second on Curaçao. Pierrot Lauffer, also son of the founder, is now in charge of the operations of this branch.