Saliña Galleries
I Am made in Curacao
I am made in Curacao is a platform to bring people, product, economy, information and more together on our beatiful island Curacao. Sometimes we know what is happening on the other side of the world but we do not know what there is in our direct neighborhood.
Through I am made in you can find vegetables growing in your region; a small supplier for home made product, an artist or knowledge on your corner.
Suppliers can inform you where their product is sold so you know how and who else is sustaining your economy.
By supplying, buying and supporting closer to home you will help your market, your employment and you get to know where your product is coming from.
We aim to have weekly interviews with our associates on the site, so the public will get to know the producer.
For people visiting the region it will be a one stop site to find and experience the local goods and services.
For the people on the site we advertise collectively so marketing costs will lower substantially. On the site they will be able to have exposure through their category, front page ad or interview.
In the region we will have advertisements (which can be in local magazines, on billboards, at the airport, on the radio and more)
Together we will help each other make it easier, better and bigger.