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Banco di Caribe
Schottegatweg Oost 205

Telefoon: 432-3000
Fax: 461-5220

Website: www.bancodicaribe.com/

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The Banco di Caribe's organization is a very social entity whose goal is to provide financial services to the communities of Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao and St.Maarten.

Flat organization
Banco di Caribe is in business to provide financial services that create value for its customers, staff and shareholders. In support of this, Banco di Caribe is committed to:
- Providing customers with valuable products and/or services which meet their requirements;
- Providing a standard quality of working life to all of its staff and the opportunity for personal and professional development;
- Satisfying the financial objectives of its policyholders and owners;
- Being an outstanding corporate citizen and contributing to the sustainable development of the community wherever it operates.

We encourage our staff and personnel to continuously explore innovative solutions to present banking needs as well as operational issues. Recently a Research and Development Committee was formed to assist in the afore-mentioned. Besides these efforts, management also confers on a regular basis with department heads, supervisors, and individuals representing all departments, with the goal to assess a wide range of bank issues, ranging from customer satisfaction to business processes to new business opportunities.

Social entity
Our organization is comprised of individuals from many distinctive cultures, yet all working in complete harmony with one another. The bank strives to accommodate one's needs as much as possible, by being flexible, yet following strict rules and procedures that enable individuals form various backgrounds to feel at home. We believe that the multi cultural flavor of our islands is something to be cherished.
In 2001 the "Personeels Vereniging Banco di Caribe" was established and quickly energized the organization through various projects and events. The personnel organization not only organizes activities for members, non-members, and their families, but also for the community in general throughout the year.